Thank you for stopping by! :)
If you want to know more about the contest read the original post here:
Sold on Soul! (Collective Soul that is :)
I'm so thrilled these guys are still rockin'! Being a devoted fan for over 15 years, I've noticed a few things about them that stand out from other bands;
1. Collective Soul is still creating some of the best music on the airwaves while keeping their fans happy and simultaneously gaining a new audience with the younger generations.
2. I love that they mix it up on every album, always surprising with every lyric @ every verse with each consecutive play, and only getting better with each tune-in. You'll never be bored or feel that Collective Soul is just playing the same old thing with the same old sound; they're innovative, courageous and still intimate with matters of the heart.
3.They are very down-to-earth people with huge hearts and the talent to go with it. Even tho' they're 'rock stars' in every way, they don't forget it's the fans who support them and they're always ready to sign an autograph or take picture. Truly great guys :)
4. They don't charge $200 per ticket to go see them live. As phenomenal as they are, comparatively speaking, in my book, just as great as LIVE or U2; you don't see them raping the public with outrageous price tags on live shows. I've seen them many times and have never paid more than $30 (with the exception of Woodstock - of course that's a whole different animal and another story all together!)
Read about my first Collective Soul "Live" experience here:
Now, offering fantastic prizes for a Blog contest? How cool is it that they're giving back to the fans?! This tour/blog contest is a testament not only to their big ballads, rock anthems, and meaningful lyrics, but to their big hearts to go along with them.
This is my tribute to Collective Soul.....
A Collection of Souls by Candice
Try your skill at a Collective Soul Crossword Puzz
le! Collective Soul Crossword
Jim or Jimmy, and sometimes honey, babe, sweetie or a multitude of other names I call him (My boyfriend/other-half/best friend depending on the mood) introduced me to Collective Soul when they first came on the scene with HATLU (hints,allegations,things left unsaid); he's always had great taste in music, so I knew right away I'd love them. And after the very first listen, I was in love. Collective Soul gets it. They generate a great vibe/message, and had me at Shine .....buzzing in my head for months! (reminiscent of the first time I heard U2).
Jim and I both agreed that we would try to find a concert as soon as we could. And after returning from our first live dose of Collective Soul in '98 we were more impressed than we expected and were completely hooked and instead of getting stale; trying to reproduce the same sounds as previous albums, they've only aged like fine wine. They get better in every way.
Rock on Souls!
And how lucky...they're touring this year! If you've never seen them live, I highly recommend it! SEE THEM LIVE!
They follow all their fans on Twitter;
here's a link to the Collective Soul Twitter Account
Here's a link to the Collective Soul Website / Blog
Collective Soul ON Tour 2009
read my first ever CS concert experience here;
Collective Soul has more of a meaning to me than most bands I love.
Words can not express the thanks I wish to convey to them. They've helped me get through some really tough times.
One song in particular that stands out in the Collective Soul songbook, for me, is:
SISTER DON'T CRY (from HATLU; hints, allegations&things left unsaid)
When one of my very dear friends committed suicide (which I still think was a murder, but that's for an entirely different conversation), a few years back
just before Thanksgiving, it left me confused, sad, angry and hurt.
The circumstances around her death were no mystery, as she did leave a note, but the fact that everyone believed she had hundreds of choices other than suicide still baffle me and a few other friends of hers; as it was known that her husband forcefully admitted her into a mental institution (with unfounded accusations) and doctors pumping her full of psychopathic drugs.
It was also known that her husband & his family used their money and wielded their political positions to satisfy their own idea of justice; it would never be able to be proved otherwise that she didn't overdose with the very psychiatric prescriptions that were supposed to be "helping" her on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving.
The more I dwell on it, the more her husband seems the guilty party, as he wouldn't let her out of the house or let her speak to her friends (myself included...she had to call me from her work (before she was admitted) and lived 3 states away, so it wasn't easy for me to get to her.
I was so mad at her for giving up, I would have helped her if she'd just told me. But just as much anger as I felt for him, and thinking it was all his fault; I felt anger at her too for leaving her young daughter to grow up without her guidance and love, not to mention the hurt that she didn't come to me to help her through the feelings of hopelessness she'd felt. I was shocked and surging with bitter feelings. I was so out of it, I couldn't work, sleep or eat for days and I felt like I couldn't go on. I felt so lost, I didn't know where to turn. While moping around the house I found a Collective Soul cd and put it in the player.
By the time Ed started singing SISTER DON'T CRY I was already in tears, but his lyrics really seemed to speak to me that day;
"Pull your heart from your sleeve, first react then believe, you won't always get thunder to warn you of storms ahead, so bury all this pain and get on with your life again, conquer some serenity, lay yourself in fields of poetry, close your eyes to all you see and lay your weary head here with me...Sister don't cry, sister do n't cry no more, sister don't cry anymore. "
Yeah, I know...intense.
And after listening to that song someh ow I felt that things would be ok some way, if I'd just get on with my life and not dwell on the pain. So I did, and it was easier than I thought; though I still think of her on occasion and hope that her daughter will remember all the good things her mother left in her heart.
So, thank you Ed, Dean, Will and the rest of the gang. You'll never know how much your music means to me. You're much more appreciated than you realize.
Some bands create a connection to another world; breaking rules and surpassing all expectations of the typical song crafting art. Having the gift of wrapping the listener in a warm fuzzy blanket, or whispering everything will be ok to you when you feel all is lost. Their musical interpretations are always lifting their listeners beyond the norm making us feel like we're not alone, or that there's more to this life than what meets the eye.
Collective Soul is one of those enduring bands that just keeps giving, growing and surpassing all mortal barriers lifting their fans to ever higher planes song by song. They are truly a band for the ages that will live on generation after generation.
I made a Collective Soul Crossword Puzzle! Try your skill at how well you know Collective Soul Tunes and Albums Collective Soul Crossword
[polldaddy poll=1660257]
Collective SoulTry your skill at a Collective Soul Crossword Puzzle! [youtube=] | |
Hints Allegations And Things Left Unsaid(1993) |
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Collective Soul(1995) |
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Disciplined Breakdown(1997) |
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Scream 2[soundtrack] (1997) |
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Dosage(1999) |
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Blender(2000) |
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7even Year ItchGreatest Hits 1994-2001 (2001) |
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Youth(2004) |
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Afterwords 2008 |