I had to find out for myself...yes, and some fantastic uses you'd never think of.
directly from BS or not, 2000 uses for WD40
here's just a few from BSornot's site;
. Removes marking pen from glass objects
. Cleans outdoor electrical relay contacts
. Lubricates moving parts of vacuum motor
. Shines outdoor sculptures
. Helps remove caked-on dirt and grime from furniture rails
. Removes calcium deposits from dehumidifier
. Removes nail polish from hardwood floors
. Helps remove built up mineral deposits from freezer grid
. Removes caked-on food from bottom of cookie sheets
. Removes splattered grease on stove
. Cleans silver serving trays
. Cleans woks -- after cleaning
. Removes streaks from Formica
. Cleans blackened skillets -- after cleaning
. Helps keep wooden handles on garden tools from splintering
. Helps remove soap scum from bathroom cleaning materials
. Helps remove calcium deposits from bathtub drains
. Protects grout from mildew in outdoor shower