Friday, January 30, 2009
Holistic Nutrition; Sources of Vitamins, Minerals & Trace Minerals
Herb Sources of Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Minerals
Many herbs are excellent for getting the vitamins and minerals our bodies need
because the body usually digests them easier through plants, much easier
than from fish or animal sources.
Listed below are some herb sources of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals.
Vitamin A: Alfalfa, Cayenne, Eyebright, Lambs Quarter, Paprika, Red Clover, Violet, Yellow Dock
Vitamin B: Alfalfa, Dulse, Fenugreek, Kelp, Licorice, Saffron
Vitamin C: Bee Pollen, Chickweed, Echinecea, Garlic, Golden Seal, Juniper BerrY, Paprika, Peppermint, Rosehips, Sorrel, Violet, Watercress
Vitamin D: Alfalfa, Dandelion, Red Raspberry, Rosehips, Sarsaparilla, Watercress
Vitamin E: Alfalfa, Burdock, Dandelion, Dong Quai, Kelp, Scullcap, Sesame, Slippery Elm, Watercress
Vitamin G: Fo-ti-tieng
Vitamin K: Alfalfa, Gotu Kola, Shepherd's Purse
Niacin: Alfalfa, Fenugreek, Parsley Watercress
Vitamin P: (Rutin, Bioflavenoids) Acerola, Paprika
Calcium: Aloe, Cayenne, Chamomile, Fennel, Marshmallow, Sage, White Oak Bark
Cobalt: Dandelion, Horsetail, Juniper Berries, Lobelia, Parsley, Red Clover, White Oak Bark
Iodine: Bladderwrack, Kelp
Iron: Burdock, Chickweed, Ginseng, Hops, Mullein, Nettles, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sarsaparilla, Scullcap, Yellow Dock
Magnesium: Alfalfa, Catnip, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Red Clover, Rosemary, Valerian, Wood Betony
Potassium: Aloe, Cayenne, Fennel, Golden Seal, Parsley, Rosehips, Slippery Elm, Valerian
Zinc: Burdock, Chamomile, Dandelion, Eyebright, Marshmallow, Sarsaparilla
Alfalfa, Burdock, Dandelion, Kelp, Yellow Dock, Parsley, Red Clover, Rosehips, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Valerian
Hope you find some good use for this info........
You could prepare them in a number of ways, here's some examples;
How Do You Prepare Herbs?
Capsule: This is the most popular way most people take their herbs. Some of the reasons: it's easy, convenient, avoids bitter taste, saves on preparation, and provides an exact regulated dosage to the body.
Decoction: To extract the deeper essences from harder or coarser herbs such as stems, barks, and roots. The herbs are usually simmered uncovered for 10 to 20 minutes until 1/3 of the water has decreased through evaporation, usually one part plant to twenty parts water. Note: for coarser herbs such as Valerian and Burdock, these must be gently simmered in a covered pot to bring out their medicinal properties. Strain before using.
Extracts: Extracts are a highly concentrated alcohol base in liquid form derived from pure herbs. Many people use herbal extracts who are unable to swallow the usual dose. Exact dosages are recommended on individual bottles. This is one of the more convenient ways to take herbs.
Fomentation: A fomentation is an external application of herbs, generally used to treat swellings, pains, cold and flu. To prepare a fomentation, soak a towel or cloth in the desired tea, and apply the towel over the affected area as hot as can be tolerated without burning. Cover the towel with a dry flannel cloth. Repeat as needed.
Infusion: The most common way of preparing herbs. The extraction of the active properties of a substance by steeping or soaking it, usually in water. The usual amount is a teaspoon of leaves, blossoms, or flowers to a cup of boiling water. The water is poured over the herbs, then steeped for 3 to 5 minutes. Strain before using. Honey may be added to taste.
Plaster: A plaster is much like a poultice, but the herbal materials are placed between two pieces of cloth and applied to the affected area. When there is an irritant to the skin, this method will serve to prevent the herb from coming in direct contact with the skin.
Poultice: A poultice is usually used as an antiseptic and to reduce swelling by applying a warm mass of powdered herbs directly to the skin. To prepare, add enough hot water to make a thick paste, then apply directly to the skin. Cover with a hot moist towel and leave on until it cools. Repeat as often as needed.
Salve: A healing or soothing ointment. Use 3 oz. powered herb, 7 oz. cocoa butter, l oz. beeswax, (depending on consistency desired, more beeswax may be needed). Blend all three ingredients together in a covered pot on low heat for 1 to 2 hours. When it is cold, it should be firm and ready to use.
happy herbing!
Monday, January 19, 2009 more ways than one!

Sometimes something comes along and changes everything....
this is one of those things.
"The Shack" is a book you'll want to share with everyone.
"My wonderful aunt (more like a sister) recommended and shared this book with me, how amazing she is.
The Shack is truly captivating, and full of wonderment, even through all the sadness and tragedy, a beautiful story....I haven't cried this much since I read "Conversations With God"...
The text written in between the lines can definitely change your life :)
Even tho' not everything I had questions for were answered, I still left feeling a renewed sense of being and I highly recommend getting a copy, reading it and sharing it with someone.
Before she shared this book with me she said, "You'll know who to share this with after you are finished with it." I wish I could share it with everyone!
Each person will get something different out of it, very personal and quite illuminating. Just open your heart, and mind for a few hours, and it could change the way you look at "living".
Even if you don't fully "believe", there is still much inherent wisdom in its text to help you find just what you thought you didn't need in its glowing pages. Love, more ways than one."
Pass it on!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Celestial Elements Angel Aromatherapy Gift Set

Organic Aromatherapy
Products For the
Mind, Body, & Spirit
Celestial Elements
Angel Therapy
Concentrated Purefume
Spray Mists Gift Set
*inspirations designed with thoughtful intention
and divined essence of celestial vitalities.
Gift Set Includes FIVE (5) Personal Protective Archangel Blends
made with THERAPEUTIC GRADE Essential Oils
only organic high quality ingredients
are used in all of my products
One designed for each Angel:
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, & Your Personal Guardian Angel
plus a free gift with every order!

Learn how to Ask Your Guardian Angel's Name
Learn How to "Angel Charge" your candles or any special items
for Healing, Wisdom, Strength , Nature or Natural Situations
How To Charge or Cleanse your Crystals
Learn How to receive Angel assistance involved with
HEALING, psychic gifts, vision, intuitions,
clairvoyance, astral travel, herbal medicine,
Career Achievement, Ambitions, Life tasks, Motivation. Protection,
help in comprehending your identity, magic, devotion, Alchemy, sudden changes,
Astrology, Universal Cosmic Consciousness, Divine order,
distribution of power & universal flow and much more!
Your Celestial Elements Angel Therapy Concentrated Purefume Spray Mists Gift Set Includes: Five (5), 2.5 ml spray mist bottles of one ea. of the following: 1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Michael blend, 1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Gabriel blend, 1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Raphael blend, 1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Uriel blend, & 1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Your Personal Guardian Angel blend also comes with more information on each Angel AND An Invocation of the Angels Prayer Seraphim Call and A Special Invocation to the Healing Angels Prayer A Mother's Prayer to the Guardian Angel of her Children and a special free gift with every order!
*Gabriel: “GOD is my strength”
angel of annunciation and mercy
Angel of healing and science
Angel of protection and patience
Angel of unconditional love, understanding & peace
Your personal angelic guide
Archangel Gabriel-- “GOD is my strength”
Archangel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, revelation, truth, and hope
Element: Water/ Direction: West
Symbols: Lily & Trumpet
Organic essential oils of: Angelica root, Carrot seed, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose Otto, Hyssop, Helichrysum, & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.
Gabriel is the angel of the moon who brings us the gift of hope. He is the spirit of truth and the prince of justice. He is the bringer of intuition, and receptivity. Ruler of psychic gifts, visions, Intuition, magic, clairvoyance, astral travel, herbal medicine, the cycles of women, and female aspects of men.
Archangel Raphael--“GOD has Healed”
Archangel of HEALING, prayer, love, light, joy, science & knowledge
Element: Air / Direction: East
Symbol: 5 pointed star
Organic essential oils of: Myrrh, Palmarosa, Rose, Bergamot, Geranium, Sandalwood, Helichrysum, & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.
Raphael is one of the four presences set over all the diseases & all the wounds of children. Raphael is charged to heal the earth. He is the regent of the sun, Chief of the order of virtues & overseer of the evening winds. Angel of prayer, love, joy, light, science, and knowledge. Above all, he is the angel of healing.
Archangel Michael--“He Who is as GOD”
Michael is the bringer of Protection & Patience Defender of the People
Element: Fire / Direction: South
Symbols: Sword & Blue Cloak
Organic essential oils of: Elemi, Ravensara, Lemon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Galbanum, Jasmine, Rose, Cedarwood & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.
Michael ranks as the greatest of all angels. He is the head of all the great warring angels who do battle against evil. Angel of career Achievement, Ambitions, Life tasks, Motivation. Protection Archangel.
Archangel Uriel-- “Light of GOD”
Uriel is the bringer of Unconditional Love, Understanding, & Peace
Element: Earth/ Direction: North
Symbol: Open hand holding a flame
Organic essential oils of: Clary Sage, Jasmine, Yarrow, Immortelle (Helichrysum), Sweet Basil, child oils of the citrus & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in dry oil base.
Archangel Uriel is child-like in nature, very understanding & non-judgmental
Understanding is the pathway to expression that helps you Comprehend your identity through Goodwill to others. The ruler over magic, devotion, Alchemy, sudden changes, Astrology, universal cosmic Consciousness, Divine order, distribution of power & universal flow.
*Guardian angel: your personal angelic guide –
Your guardian angel is always there, whether you acknowledge it or not. Everyone has a personal guardian angel who, from the very minute you were born, was assigned to you and will be there to protect and guide you whenever you should need or ask. One of the nicest things you could do would be to thank your guardian angel for all the times that they were there for you.
Everyone has guardian angels, but many people are just too busy to hear them. Angels are polite and have strict orders not to interfere in our daily lives, except in dire circumstances. They will, however, drop subtle messages to keep us out of trouble if we are alert enough to catch them. If you want a clear and concise message from your angel, you must ask a direct question. Your angel will always answer your questions. You must ask your question out loud. Clear, concise questions will get you clear, concise answers. Answers will always be tangible and explicit, something you can put your hands on. The answers I've gotten I could pick up and examine. Asking a frivolous question will get you a silly answer. The universe will match your level of sincerity.
Many people would like to believe in guardian angels, but are skeptical. I always encourage a healthy skepticism when dealing with the astral plane. It is not my intent to convince you that angels exist. You will convince yourself or you won't. There are con artists on the astral plane, just as there are here in temporal life. Your angel will be happy to provide you with evidence of its existence. They seem to have no gender so its no matter if you refer to them as female or male. A real angel will expect you to ask for proof, and will provide you with straightforward answers.
Please choose those angels and prayers which speak to you and remember, angels can hear the words in your heart, too.
Makes a wonderful gift for yourself or someone you love.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
How to Lose Weight by Boosting Your Metabolism

If you find it hard to lose weight, do you need to increase your metabolism? Will efforts to boost metabolism help you lose weight and gain energy? Do you have a "slow" metabolism, and need to speed it up in order to lose weight? These are important questions for anyone trying to lose weight, but particularly for thyroid patients, who may be struggling against an impaired metabolism.
What is Metabolism?
When we eat, food is converted into energy. The term "metabolism" refers to the way -- not the speed – that your body processes and uses the food you eat. Rather than "faster" or "slower" metabolism, it's most accurate to describe metabolism as efficient or functional versus inefficient or dysfunctional.
Metabolism is made up of several components:
* Basal metabolism – From 60 to 65 percent of calories you eat daily are spent keeping you alive and providing basic energy for life support. If you were to lay in bed all day, you would still need these calories to support basic body functions.
* Physical activity – 25 percent of your calories go to movement and physical activity.
* Thermic effect of food – About 10 percent of calories are spent processing the food you eat. For example, if you eat 2000 calories a day, you should be burning 200 calories a day simply eating and digesting your food.
The Metabolism Formula
The winning formula to maintain your weight is that what you take in should equal the calories you expend...
To lose weight, you have to reduce calories taken in, increase calories expended, or do both.
Surprisingly, many overweight people -- and thyroid patients in particular -- do not take in any more calories than people of average weight, and can sustain or even gain weight at lower calorie levels. If you fit into this category, your basal metabolism is lower, your physical activity may be reduced, and/or the thermic effect of food you eat is blunted. The end result: you don't burn as many calories as someone of a similar weight with a functional metabolism.
For you, losing weight requires that you change the output side of the metabolism equation -- you need to boost your metabolism and make it more efficient.
The Hypothyroidism / Metabolism Connection
If you have undiagnosed hypothyroidism, or your condition is not adequately treated by your doctor, almost anything you do to raise your metabolism on the output side may fail. So the first, essential step is to get a thyroid test. And if you have been tested and are being treated, you need to make sure your treatment is optimized -- including the proper drug and dosage, as well as supplements to support thyroid function.
Increase Your Basal Metabolism
Metabolism is somewhat a function of genetics, but you can increase basal metabolism by building muscle. Muscle cells are up to eight times more metabolically active than fat cells, and muscle burns more calories than fat. Adding weight-bearing or resistance exercise – such as weightlifting or exercise bands -- is one of the only ways to increase basal metabolism.
An efficient metabolism also requires the smooth running of many complex body processes that rely on sufficient antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and the B vitamins. Supplements to correct any deficiencies are therefore important.
Finally, dehydration can contribute to an inefficient metabolism, by affecting body temperature. When you are dehydrated, your body temperature drops slightly, and causes your body to store fat as a way to help raise or maintain the temperature. Making sure you drink enough liquids, preferably at least 64 ounces of water per day, to avoid this metabolic pitfall.
Increase Physical Activity
Aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate can raise metabolism while you're exercising. Some experts believe that aerobic exercise also boosts resting metabolism for several hours, as muscles burn calories to recover and repair themselves.
Increase the Thermic Effect of Food
Resting metabolic rate typically increases as much as two to three times more after eating proteins versus carbohydrates and fats. Complex, high-fiber carbohydrates -- like high-fiber vegetables and cereals, however -- burn more calories than simple carbohydrates. You can increase the thermic effect on metabolism by focusing on quality protein, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, with an occasional high-fiber grain.
Need More Help?
Visit the Thyroid Diet Information Center, for articles, books and help with metabolism and weight loss for thyroid patients.
Mary Shomon,'s Thyroid Guide since 1997, is a nationally-known patient advocate and best-selling author of 10 books on health, including "The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss," and "Living Well With Hypothyroidism." Click here for more information on Mary Shomon.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy 2009! Here's to Your Health!

Here's to your health in 2009!
Well, its the beginning of a new year and I'm psyched...I'm always excited in the beginning of anything. Its trying to keep it going and actually finishing something that's hard to do, for me, anyway.
It seems by all indications that the coming year will be one of the most challenging in a generation. Even more troubling, so many events seem so far beyond our influence that we get overwhelmed and give up before even starting. When it feels like we have no control over our own lives, that's the time to really focus on the things that we can influence.
Where do we start?
That's easy...ourselves, and in particular, our health.
Since it is the beginning of a new year, one of our most powerful opportunities is starting over, and after years of setting and failing to keep our resolutions, even tho' you may think you've got problems with disciplining yourself, its much more likely that your aren't completely clear on what means the most to you.
So grab a pen and make a list of those things that mean the most to you, if they need changing or not, and get a plan going. Make it clear, concise, and simply detailed so nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. Try not to set them too high or you might be setting yourself up for disaster. Just start small, and increase by tiny increments so it won't be that difficult to keep going.
I found some really great health tips that will help you feel fit and boost your confidence in keeping to your goals.
1. Help boost your fitness with 'good foods'.
By now, we've all heard about "good cholesterol" and "bad cholesterol". HDL being the "good" that helps reduce the risk of heart disease and limits damage of LDL "bad cholesterol". To help boost your HDL try a diet high in monounsaturated fats like: olive oil, nuts, avocados and olives. Try pine bark extract also known as pycnogenol as it can lower blood glucose levels, and blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, its also an antioxidant. Don't forget to add 2/3 cup of fresh berries daily, try it for at least two months ( a Finnish study showed that this help raise HDL and reduces high blood pressure). Also add some grape juice to your diet and it can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Grapeseed extract can help to lower cholesterol too. For more energy, try adding whole grains to your diet and how about some chia seeds...Oprah says they're great! (, suggested by Dr. Oz)
2. Keep on Moving!
Even if you have to sit at a desk all day, try little exercises that keep you moving when you have a minute. Try neck rolls, arm rotations, leg lifts (also help abs), and foot and ankle rolls. Anything to keep your blood flowing and body pumping! Regular exercise, even if its non-strenuous, can help get you out of a rut and increase metabolism and energy levels. Exercising acts directly on the central nervous system to increase energy and reduce fatigue, while benefiting almost all parts of you, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
3. Try Swimming!
Its been studied and found that low-impact water exercises can ease pain and improve overall health, especially people with hip, knee or joint problems, people with osteoarthritis or back pain. Exercising in water can strengthen and stretch while lightening the body-weight load on joints. Plus, anything in water is more fun!
4. Boost your Metabolism by Sweating!
It's been said that over 24% of Americans are dealing with metabolic problems that can increase their risk for coronary heart disease and many others. Fast & quick bursts of high intensity exercises, as opposed to longer, moderate exercise, can help reverse metabolic syndrome (per a recent Norwegian study). But before you go for it please consult your doctor before changing your workout and the American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week for metabaolic syndrome sufferers.
5. Feeling Depressed?
It's also been said that low levels of vitamin D (the "sunshine vitamin") can make you feel down or depressed. Plus, adequate levels of vitamin D are also absolutely vital for calcium absorption and bone health. You can add these foods to your diet to help as well: Omega-3 fatty acids from foods like, salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, scallpos and cod liver oil too. So, don't forget your vitamin D, your omega-3's and believe it or not join a social network like Facebook or Linked-In or something of the like. A new study shows that people we don't even know can make us happier. Happiness is "catching" and most people are influenced by the moods of those around us, we can spread happiness to a virus!!! (Only a really good one :)
Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful and prosperous new year!