Friday, November 5, 2010

Playing Phone Tag

It's so funny, with all the technology we have these days, it seems, we still have a hard time getting in touch with people.

Today, I received a message from a Jenn Jordan who is working with Joan London on a "Spotlight Special" for Style Network says they're doing a piece called "The Organic Connection", and wanted to speak to me about it.

hmmm...sounds really interesting, so I immediately returned the call, only to leave a message for her. I can only imagine that she found my Yellowstar*Essentials website and wants to talk about that.
About 20 minutes later, (after getting to my phone too late again.,..((note to self..,,keep phone closer!)), I had to leave her another message and laughed..."phone tag, you're it!". 

I'll keep you posted :) LOL

..............update; January 2011

Ok, I'm an idiot.
At least that's what my better half told me. And my mother says I have to stop sabotaging myself.
So why would they say these things?
Well, it's a bit hard to explain, but I guess it's something I've always done....
I shy away from spotlights, stages and any kind of success, and always to my detriment.
I guess it's because I'm a big yellow chicken.

I told you I'd keep you updated on the Joan London-Style Network's "Organic Connection" talk with Jenn Jordan so I'm keeping my word.
We finally were able to connect and had a wonderful 20 minute conversation. I feel like I made a friend, but ended up turning down the offer and giving her other names of companies I thought were better suited to what they were looking for.
I'm just not a TV kind of least not in front of the camera kind of girl....
so needless to say, my family and friends think I'm crazy for turning them down.
At least I can say I was approached for something I should have had the guts to take on, but couldn't bring myself to accept.
I'm much better behind the scenes, off camera, and helping out than I am with any attention focused directly on me....
In any case, it felt good to be asked, but I'm happy in my own little bubble world.
No stress, no mess.
Thanks for the thoughts Jenn, you are a sweetheart, and I'll always remember your kind words.
Good luck with the show, I'll be watching from behind the scenes :)

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