Could you imagine sleeping on Memory foam mattresses made out of essential oils, plant extracts and water?
Well, that's exactly what Essentia Direct has done.
Read on to see how Essentia Direct does it.
Essentia Mattresses
Essentia is the only manufacturer of natural memory foam in the world. Regular memory foam mattresses are made with petroleum based chemicals. This causes them to have a strong odor and they don’t breathe well so heat builds up. Essentia’s foam main ingredients include essential oils, plant extracts and water so it’s 80% more breathable and practically odorless. Essentia mattresses also don't contain any glues because they're individually molded.

What Other mattresses have in them:
Perfumes and Deodorizers
Certain imported polyurethane memory foam products have industrial perfumes to mask the chemical odor that exists in their products.
Chemicals Found in Air Fresheners:
o Tributyltin maleate (carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity etc)
o Bonded quatermary ammonium chloride compounds
o Decamethcyclopentasiloxane
o Phenolics (
o Ozone
o Paradichlorobenzene (anticipated to be a carcinogen)
o Fragrances
What Essentia Direct's Mattresses are Made of:
Natural Content
Water, Latex, Cone Essence, Green Tea Essence, Jasmine Essence, Plant solid extracts. Certain components may be excluded, substituted and/or concentration varied based on required performance.
For more information go to

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