Monday, October 18, 2010

Rainbow Medicine Color Therapy

"Rainbow Therapy bridges Heaven (Spirit--our subtle bodies, prayers, visions, hopes, dreams and intentions) to Earth (our physical body and our tangible reality)."

Christabel Zamor.. says, "employing the aid of rainbow color with the help of the angels, your personal angelic guardians, healing energy with light and love can bring complete health, balance and joy into our lives. "

and "Wearing specific colors of clothing has an effect, not only how we "look" but how we "feel".
For instance,

"black is POWER. It is so vast...and it can feel very nurturing to be wrapped in the 'void galactic space' in that fashion. Something you can fill with anything..."- Christabel Zamor..
READ the rest of the colors at Christabel Zamor..'s website; :)

stay tuned for more on this along with:
Vibrational Healing, Soul Therapy & Clearing, Angel Sessions, Aura Clearing,  Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Coaching for Empaths, Channelling, Guidance for Indigo Adult & Children, Quantum Angel Healing, Energy Medicine, Intuitive & Spiritual Counseling, Inverse Wave Therapy,  and many others are a part of this ongoing search for alternative medicines that work!

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